Kusherbayev Krymbek
Kazakh Polytechnic Institute (1978); Academy of public science at CC CPSU (1991). Engineer-builder, political scientist. Doctor of political science, candidate of philosophical science. Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Envoy I class (2003).
Labor activity began with an engineer, first group of training production PMC-112 Head of of the Komsomol building (1978-1979);
First headquarters of the All - Russian Komsomol building- rice engineering systems of the Kyzylorda region (1979-1981);
Managing sector of the Komsomol organizations of the CC CPSU Kazakhstan (1981-1982);
Responsible organizer of the CC CPSU Kazakhstan (1982-1983);
First Secretary of the Kyzylorda city CC CPSU Kazakhstan (1983-1986);
Deputy 1986-1987 Komsomol organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1986-1987);
Graduate Student of the Academy of public science under the CC CPSU (1988-1991);
referent referents on culture and international relations of the president of Kazakhstan (1991);
Deputy Prime Minister Republic of Kazakhstan (1991-1994);
head of the Kalinin district administration (1994-1995);
Deputy head of the internal policy office of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1995);
deputy head of the Territorial Development Office of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1995-1996);
press secretary - head of the press service of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1996-1997);
Minister of Education, Culture and health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1997-1999);
Minister of health, education and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1999);
Minister of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1999-2000);
Akim of the West Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2000-2003);
Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation, Republic of Kazakhstan in the Finnish Republic (joint venture), Republic of Kazakhstan in the Republic of Armenia (part-time job) (2003-2006);
Akim Mangistau region of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2006-2011);
Soviet President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2012);
Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2012-2013);
Akim of the Kyzylorda region (2013-2019);
Head of the administration of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2019);
State secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2019-2022).
Awarded with the orders: Barys I degree (2021), “Parasat” (2003), “Barys” II degree (2009), “First president of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev” (2015), Order of Friendship (Russia, 2006).