Social policy
Company provides with high degree social support to its employees. Currently, there are about 5000 people working in “Embamunaygas” JSC, 70 out of them are people with disabilities of II and III group disability.
As part of collective agreement accepted in 2017 between administration and trade unions all employees of the Company are provided with social package which besides stable competitive salary and voluntary medical insurance in case of illness and medical service of employees and member of their families, envisages different types of additional social and other payments.
Annually, funds are allocated for the support Company pensioners.
One of the priority objectives of the Company is creation of safe and comfortable conditions for works and leisure of our employees. As part of its implementation for the last 5 years a number of production and social facilities were built and commissioned. Which include accommodation for 30 people at South-East Kamyshytovo field, canteetn for 50 people at Zhanatalap field, accommodation for 100 people at Kenbay field, canteen for 50 people at Kisymbay field and 150 people at S. Balgimbayev field.
To support “Embamunaygas” JSC workers, who maintain healthy style of life Company provides with tickets to visit swimming pools and fitness centres in Atyrau, conditions are created to go for sport at accommodation camps of all oil and gas production companies, sport contests are organized by the Company and “National company “KazMunayGas” JSC.