The traditional Spartakiad was held at Embamunaigas JSC

14 June, 2024

On 10-13 June, Atyrau city hosted the traditional Spartakiad among Embamunaigas JSC subdivisions. This year about 500 Embin athletes competed in 13 sports. The competitions were organised at 8 sports facilities.

- Embamunaigas supports its employees who, in their spare time, have time to play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle. Thanks to the efforts of oilmen, the Spartakiada today is a great event of solidarity and healthy competition, willpower and desire to win,” Sabit Arynov, General Director of Embamunaigas JSC, noted in his welcoming speech.

It should be reminded that this Spartakiade is a qualifying tournament for the competitions held among the subsidiaries and affiliates of JSC NC KazMunayGas.

Table tennis (women)

I place – Tamara Sabirova (OGPD Zhaiykmunaigas)

II place - Svetlana Oryntayeva (OGPD Dossormunaigas)

III place - Gulzhaina Gumargaliyeva (OGPD Kainarmunaigas)

Table tennis (men)

I place - Kuanysh Aituganov (OGPD Kainarmunaigas)

ІІ place - Zhassulan Kakim (OGPD Zhylyoiymunaigas)

II place - Amangeldy Baizakov (Production and Technical Maintenance and Equipment Configuration Department) 

Chess (women)

ІІ place – Kuralay Saginayeva (Administration Office)

II place – Akmaral Usaliyeva (OGPD Zhaiykmunaigas)

III place – Oryngul Zhanaisova (OGPD Dossormunaigas).

Chess (men)

I place – Assylbek Gallam (OGPD Zhaiykmunaigas)

II place – Yerlan Zhumagaliyev (OGPD Dossormunaigas)

III place – Bilimpaz Kabdolov (OGPD Zhylyoiymunaigas).

Togyzkumalak (women)

I place – Ainur Medindibay (OGPD Zhaiykmunaigas)

II place – Gulzira Aldashbaeva (OGPD Zhylyoiymunaigas)

III place – Zhannat Arystanova (OGPD Dossormunaigas)

Togyzkumalak (men)

I place – Gabiden Shankanov (OGPD Kainarmunaigas)

II place – Syrym Muratov (OGPD Zhaiykmunaigas)

III place – Akylbek Yestekov (OGPD Zhylyoiymunaigas).

Volleyball (women)

І place – OGPD Zhaiykmunaigas. 

ІІ place – OGPD Zhylyoiymunaigas 

ІІІІ place – Management Apparatus

Volleyball (men)

I place – OGPD Zhylyoiymunaigas. 

ІІ place – OGPD Kainarmunaigas 

III place – OGPD Dossormunaigas. 


I place – Department of Embamunayenergo

ІІ place – OGPD Zhylyoiymunaigas. 

ІІІ place – Production and Technical Maintenance and Equipment Configuration Department


I place – OGPD Zhaiykmunaigas. 

ІІ place – Management Apparatus   

ІІІ place – OGPD Dossormunaigas. 

Asyk Atu

I place – Serik Abilgaziyev (OGPD Dossormunaigas) 

II place – Yerlan Zhumagaliyev (OGPD Kainarmunaigas)

III place – Dastan Adilbekuly (OGPD Zhaikmunaigas)

Bes asyk

I place – Gaukhar Mekebayeva (Administration Office)

ІІ place – Svetlana Oryntayeva (OGPD Dossormunaigas)

III place – Marta Kargabayeva (OGPD Zhylyoiymunaigas)

Swimming (women, 50 m)

I place – Dinara Mukhambetkaliyeva (Administration Office)

ІІ place – Laura Maksudova (Production and Technical Maintenance and Equipment Configuration Department)

ІІІ place – Ryskul Mukhambetkaliyeva (OGPD Kainarmunaigas).

Swimming (men, 100 m)

I place – Akylbai Yelemesuly (Department of Embamunayenergo) 

II place – Ali Bekseitov (OGPD Kainarmunaigas)

ІІІ place – Kanzharbek Zholymbetov (OGPD Zhaiykmunaigas).

Athletics (relay race)

I place – OGPD Zhylyoiymunaigas. 

II place – OGPD Zhaiykmunaigas. 

ІІІ place – Management Apparatus

Armwrestling (women, up to 60 kg)

I place – Aymgul Zhumagulova (Administration Office)

ІІ place – Manshuk Tolepova (OGPD Kainarmunaigas)

III place – Zhibek Bokhayeva (OGPD Zhylyoiimunaigas)

Armwrestling (women, +60kg)

I place – Gulzada Gabdullina (Administration Office)

II place – Anar Azhitaliyeva (OGPD Kainarmunaigas)

ІІІ place – Lyazzat Sagyzbayeva (OGPD Zhylyoiymunaigas).

Armwrestling (men, up to 80 kg)

I place – Berik Kaleshov (OGPD Zhaiykmunaigas)

II place – Adilbek Tabyldiyev (OGPD Zhylyoiymunaigas)

III place – Alibek Adilkhanov (Department of Embamunayenergo).

Armwrestling (men, +80kg)

I place – Syrymbek Sarsenbai (OGPD Zhylyoiimunaigas)

II place – Amanbai Shabai (Embamunaigas department)

II place – Tungyshbek Kadilzhan (OGPD Zhaiykmunaigas).

Tug of war

І place – OGPD Kainarmunaigas 

ІІ place – OGPD Zhaiykmunaigas 

III place – OGPD Dossormunaigas. 


I place – OGPD Dossormunaigas. 

ІІ place – Department of Embamunayenergo 

ІІІ place – OGPD Zhylyoiymunaigas. 

Press contacts:

Galiya KARAZHANOVA: , +7 (7122) 99-34-21.
І , +7 (7122) 99-34-66.

For  reference:
Embamunaigas JSC is a subsidiary of KazMunaiGas National Company JSC. The official countdown of the history of Embamunaigas JSC has been conducted since 1922 – since the establishment of the Embaneft Trust for the development of the Dossor and Makat fields. The main activities of the company are: geological exploration, development of oil and gas fields; oil and gas production; oil and gas preparation. Embamunaigas JSC consists of 6 production structural divisions in the city of Atyrau and 4 districts of Atyrau region: Zhaiykmunaigas, Dossormunaigas, Kaynarmunaigas, Zhylyoymunaigas, Department of Embamunayenergo and Production and Technical Maintenance and Equipment Configuration Department. The Company supplies the extracted oil for export and the domestic market. Oil is supplied to the domestic market at the refineries of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Oil is exported via two main routes: through the pipelines of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) and Uzen-Atyrau-Samara (UAS). The sale of commercial gas is carried out through the national operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of gas and gas supply - JSC NC Qazaq Gaz. From 2012 to 2022, Embamunaigas JSC allocated more than 1 trillion for the payment of taxes to the National Fund, the republican and local budgets. 472 bln. KZT, about 5 bln. 640 mln. KZT has been allocated for the development of regional infrastructure.