On the water line: Embamunaigas oilmen are facing the threat of floods
At Embamunaigas JSC, preparing the Сompany's facilities for possible floods is part of the annual plan for the spring period. This year was not exception. However, due to the abnormal aggravation of the flood situation in the Atyrau region in the current period, the usual schemes of response to floods in EMG had to be promptly adjusted. In particular, at the end of March, the Сompany established an operational headquarters for flood threat prevention under the Crisis Management Team, which has been in constant contact with the operational headquarters of the region and districts since the first day of its work.
The Operational headquarters liaises round the clock with local executive bodies of the Atyrau region, including the akimats of Kyzylkoga, Zhylyoi, Makhambet, Makat and Isatai districts. In accordance with the akimats' stated needs, EMG promptly provides special equipment, construction and protective materials, improvised means, PPE, fuel and lubricants and personnel to carry out water protection works.
The EMG team was directly involved in clearing water channels and bank protection works. In particular, in the Isatai district, with the active participation of Emba oilmen, works were carried out to strengthen and lengthen the old dam and open the locks on the Baksai and Naryn canals heading towards the Caspian Sea.
In addition, the Сompany provided personnel and special equipment for the construction of coastal structures in the areas identified by the Atyrau Regional Flood Control Headquarters. The total length of the protective dam built by Embamunaigas was 9,154 metres. Of these, 2,250 metres were built in Almaly village, 5,930 metres along the Karaozek canal in the Saryozek settlement of Atyrau city and 974 metres on the territory of a military unit. An average of 383 employees of the Сompany and 62 units of equipment were involved in these works on a daily basis.
It is worth emphasizing the special importance of strengthening the section along the Saryozek canal, which includes not only the village of the same name, where more than 500 families live and there are 3 social facilities, but also the territory leading to the neighborhoods of Nursaya, Samal and one of the main strategic objects of the region - Atyrau International Airport named after Kh. Dospanova.
- Today, work on these areas has been completed. The quality of the constructed dam and its additional reinforcement in the form of bags of soil is being checked. In Saryozek, we have installed scales in three places to control the water level in the Zhaiyk river. According to the widely used Baltic height measurement system, the level of the dam is minus 21.5-22 metres,” – said Sabit Arynov, General Director of Embamunaigas JSC.
As for the production activities of Embamunaigas, all the Сompany's facilities operate in a normal mode, and the requirements of industrial safety, subsoil and environmental protection are met. Nevertheless, preventive works have been organized at a number of fields located in the zone of possible waterlogging. Protective structures are being erected there and reinforcement work is being carried out on existing dams.
In addition, safety measures for personnel, production, transport and environmental safety have been strengthened. The Company has developed an algorithm of actions in the event of an emergency situation, to eliminate and minimize risks associated with flooding factors, which includes evacuation of people to a safe area, conservation and sealing of wellheads, water pumping, provision of first aid supplies, medicines, food and other measures.
Press contacts:
Galiya KARAZHANOVA: G.Karajanova@emg .kmgep.kz, +7 (7122) 99-34-21.
Indira SATYLGANOVA: І.Satylganova@emg .kmgep.kz, +7 (7122) 99-34-66.
For reference:
Embamunaigas JSC – a subsidiary of KazMunaiGas National Company JSC. The official countdown of the history of Embamunaigas JSC has been conducted since 1922 – since the establishment of the Embaneft Trust for the development of the Dossor and Makat fields. The main activities of the Сompany are: geological exploration, development of oil and gas fields; oil and gas production; oil and gas preparation. Embamunaigas JSC consists of 6 production structural divisions in the city of Atyrau and 4 districts of Atyrau region: “Zhaiykmunaigas”, “Dossormunaigas”, “Kaynarmunaigas”, “Zhylyoymunaigas”, Embamunayenergo Management and “Management of Production and Technical Maintenance and Equipment Configuration”. The Company supplies the extracted oil for export and the domestic market. Oil is supplied to the domestic market at the refineries of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Oil is exported via two main routes: through the pipelines of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) and Uzen-Atyrau-Samara (UAS). The national operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of gas and gas supply JSC NC “Qazaq Gaz” sold the commercial gas. From 2012 to 2022, Embamunaigas JSC allocated more than 1 trln. 472 bln. KZT for the payment of taxes to the national fund, the republican and local budgets, about 5 bln. 640 mln. KZT has been allocated for the development of regional infrastructure.