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Zhylyoya oil workers are ready for changes.

To come up with more than fifty ways to use a fountain pen and a plastic bottle, be able to unite in a team to survive on a sinking ship and save humanity from radiation guided by the company's values - all these difficult tasks were successfully handled by the oil workers of Zhylyoimunaygas, the industrial unit of Embamunaygas JSC (hereinafter, EMG or the Company) during a workshop organized on November 20 at the Caspian Samaly shift camp.

“Company Values, Internal Communication and Motivation” workshop was attended by 40 employees of Zhylyoimunaygas OGPC - heads of production departments, craftsmen and engineering staff.

- Our company rightfully bears the title of pioneer of the country's oil industry, which inherited the accumulated baggage of theory and practice of research and oil production. In the traditions of the Embinians, there are the involvement of the team in production processes and a high sense of social responsibility. At the same time, within the Development Concept adopted last year, today a lot of work is being done in Emba to introduce changes in almost all areas of the Company’s activities, including in the field of corporate culture. During today's workshop, our production workers once again demonstrated their readiness for change, interest in solving complex tasks, team spirit and a high level of trust in each other in the team,” noted Laura SULEYMENOVA Head of Public Affairs Department at the the summing up of the workshop.

Throughout the day of the workshop, oil workers performed tasks on creativity and logic, in role-playing games they realized the importance of teamwork, in theoretical sessions learned information about leadership, the need to respect differences and critical attitude to information flowing from social networks, developed interpersonal interaction skills and many other things.

At the end of the workshop, all participants were awarded certificates of successfully completed seminar courses.


Contact details for media:

Aigul Ertleuova  tel.: 8 (7122) 99-32-09:

Reference information: 

“Embamunaygas” JSC is affiliated company of “KazMunayGas Exploration Production” JSC. Officially, the foundation of “Embamunaygas” JSC start from 1922 - since the foundation of “Embaneft” Trust for development of the Dossor and Makat fields. The main company profiles are exploration, development of oil and gas fields; oil and gas production; oil and gas processing. “Embamunaygas” JSC consists of six operational structural units in Atyrau and four regional units in Atyrau Oblast: “Zhaiykmunaygas”, “Dossormunaygas”, “Kainarmunaygas”, “Zhylyoimunaygas”, “Embamunayenergo” company, and “Equipment technical maintenance and warehouse management”. Company supplies produced oil for export and domestic market. For the domestic market, oil is supplied to the oil processing plants in Kazakhstan. Oil is exported via two main routes: through the pipelines of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) and Uzen-Atyrau-Samara (UAS). Sales gas is marketed through the gas and gas supply national operator of the RoK – “KazTransGas” JSC.

Starting October 1, 2012 to 2018, Embamunaygas JSC sent over 897 billion tenge for the payment of taxes to the republican and local budgets, more than 4.3 billion tenge was allocated for the development of regional infrastructure.

“Embamunaygas” JSC operates in compliance with international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 50001.