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New Chairman of trade union Committee was elected

The reporting and re-election conference of the trade Union Committee was held at the headquarters of Embamunaigas JSC (hereinafter EMG or the Company). It was attended by 71 delegates from all labor collectives of the company and representatives of the Kazakhstan oil and gas industry trade union organization.

At the conference, Chairman of the trade union Committee of EMG Kenzhegali Shankanov made a report on the work of the organization over the past 5 years. Anuar Zhaksybekov, the delegate of the conference, Chairman of the Board of EMG, positively assessed the bilateral joint work in order to preserve social stability in the team.

Trade Union organization in each collective is a guarantee of stability. Our company has established a joint work between the employer and the trade union Committee. After all, our task is to protect the interests of employees, to observe their social security. Work in order to maintain stability in the team continues. However, today the issues of modernization and improvement of the work of the trade union organization are relevant. Our further work should be in this direction, - said in his speech the Chairman of the Board A. Zhaksybekov.

The conference was also addressed by the Chairman of the audit Commission of the trade union Committee K. Kosanov, who spoke about the expenditure of funds, the completeness of the receipt of membership fees of the trade union Committee on the account and its effective spending.

After the reports, the conference continued with the election of a new Chairman of the organization. 7 candidates have been registered for the new chairmanship of the EMG trade union Committee. They met with all the management teams of the company in order to familiarize themselves with their election programs. In addition, the election programs of candidates were published in the corporate edition of EMG in the newspaper "EMBI tynysy", posted in all shops, social facilities in the production and fully acquainted with the workers.

At the initiative of the delegates, it was decided to determine the new Chairman of the organization by a closed vote. Closed voting was held in two stages. At the first stage of the voting, only two of the 7 candidates were selected. Syrymbek Sarsembayev (22 votes) and Malik Oryngaliyev (25 votes), registered in the oil and gas production departments of Zhylyoymunaygas, entered the second stage.

According to the results of the second vote, M. Oryngaliyev was elected as the new Chairman of the organization, gaining 37 votes (more than 3 votes).

During the conference, the Chairman of the Board of EMG A. Zhaksybekov thanked for the work the former head of the organization K. Shankanov.


Contact details for media:

Aigul Ertleuova  tel.: 8 (7122) 99-32-09:

Reference information: 

“Embamunaygas” JSC is affiliated company of “KazMunayGas Exploration Production” JSC. Officially, the foundation of “Embamunaygas” JSC start from 1922 - since the foundation of “Embaneft” Trust for development of the Dossor and Makat fields. The main company profiles are exploration, development of oil and gas fields; oil and gas production; oil and gas processing. “Embamunaygas” JSC consists of six operational structural units in Atyrau and four regional units in Atyrau Oblast: “Zhaiykmunaygas”, “Dossormunaygas”, “Kainarmunaygas”, “Zhylyoimunaygas”, “Embamunayenergo” company, and “Equipment technical maintenance and warehouse management”. Company supplies produced oil for export and domestic market. For the domestic market, oil is supplied to the oil processing plants in Kazakhstan. Oil is exported via two main routes: through the pipelines of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) and Uzen-Atyrau-Samara (UAS). Sales gas is marketed through the gas and gas supply national operator of the RoK – “KazTransGas” JSC.

Starting October 1, 2012 to 2018, Embamunaygas JSC sent over 897 billion tenge for the payment of taxes to the republican and local budgets, more than 4.3 billion tenge was allocated for the development of regional infrastructure.

“Embamunaygas” JSC operates in compliance with international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 50001.