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New chairman of primary party organization “Nur Otan” is selected in Oil Emba

A meeting of the primary party “Nur Otan” was held in headquarters of “Embamunaygas” JSC (further EMG or Company). The report was read during the meeting on the activity progress of the organization for the period 2018-2019 and new chairman was selected.

    Top management, managers and members of primary party organizations of the administration and oeprational units of EMG participated in the meeting.  

- During the activity for the past period, our primary party organization was focused on the resolution of actual social problems brought up by Elbasy 0 Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev during his Apeal to Kazakhstan people last year. Among the issues were provision with housing and support of needy families. In this connection, Company regularly helps needy families with multiple children, to families with children with disabilities and other socially needy population, - noted during report, the chairman of primary party organization of EMG of “Nur Otan” party, Aibolat GABUDLLIN.

   Based on the results of the report, meeting participants gave positive evaluation of the activity of primary organization. As part of meeting agenda, and due to resignation of A. Gabdullin, new chairman of the primary party organization of EMG was selected EMG BoD Chairman, Anuar Yerkinovich ZHAKSYBEKOV. Also during the meeting a new members of primary organization of approved.

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Aigul Ertleuova   tel.: 8 (7122) 99-32-09:

Reference information: 

“Embamunaygas” JSC is affiliated company of “KazMunayGas Exploration Production” JSC. Officially, the foundation of “Embamunaygas” JSC start from 1922 - since the foundation of “Embaneft” Trust for development of the Dossor and Makat fields. The main company profiles are exploration, development of oil and gas fields; oil and gas production; oil and gas processing. “Embamunaygas” JSC consists of six operational structural units in Atyrau and four regional units in Atyrau Oblast: “Zhaiykmunaygas”, “Dossormunaygas”, “Kainarmunaygas”, “Zhylyoimunaygas”, “Embamunayenergo” company, and “Equipment technical maintenance and warehouse management”. Company supplies produced oil for export and domestic market. For the domestic market, oil is supplied to the oil processing plants in Kazakhstan. Oil is exported via two main routes: through the pipelines of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) and Uzen-Atyrau-Samara (UAS). Sales gas is marketed through the gas and gas supply national operator of the RoK – “KazTransGas” JSC. 

Starting October 1, 2012 to 2018, Embamunaygas JSC sent over 897 billion tenge for the payment of taxes to the republican and local budgets, more than 4.3 billion tenge was allocated for the development of regional infrastructure.

“Embamunaygas” JSC operates in compliance with international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 50001.