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Emba oil people have presented accomodations for 8 families with many children

From 11 to 17.06.2019, the ceremonies of award of keys for families with many childnre and social needs for accomodations have taken place in 8 settlement points of 5 regions of Ayutau oblast, which were acquired for money of “Embamunaygas” JSC employees (further EMG or Company). Transfer of accomodations from oil people occurred: on the 11.06.2019 – in Kurmangazy village of Kurmangazy region, in Issatay village of Issatay region, on the 12.06.2019    Zhamansor station and Mukur station of Kyzylkoginskiy region, on the 13.06.2019 – Kulsaryu town on Zhylyoi region on the 17.06.2019 – in Dossor and Makat villages of Makat region. The management of EMG and structural units of the Company, region majors, regional maslikhat representatives, socila services employees of regional major office and village districts, citizens of villages and Media representatives have participated in the events.  

- In March this year, during the visit of Atyrau oblast and meeting with business sociaety, the RoK Deputy Prime-Minister, Gulshara Abdykalikova and Labor and Soaicl Protection Minister, Berdybek Saparbayev, have encouraged the enterprises to support families with many chidlren and social needs in resolving accomodation issues. Whereas our staff already have such experience, I requested employees to allocate one day income to acquire the accomodations for our fellow countrymen who do not own accomodations or living in unfavorable conditions. And I’m grateful to our staff who again demonstrated their solidarity and mercy, and during Ramadan Saint month have raised a sum enough for purchasing 3 flats and 5 houses in Kurmagazinskiy, Issatay, Makat, Kyzylkoginski and Zhylyoi regions of the oblast. Presently, thanks to Emba oil people, 8 families with many children and social needs have had roofs above the heads and decent living conditions for life and raising children! – nited in his welcome speech during the ceremony of awarding key in each settlement place, the EMG BoD Chairman, Anuar ZHAKSYBEKOV. 

Let’s remind that in 2015, for the money colelcted by EMG employees, the capital repairs were performed in 4 houses for Atyrau citizens, in the families with children with disabilities and one new houses was built for lonely pensioner. In 2016, new house was built for a familiy with many children in Atyrau, where two children had serious illnesses. In 2018, Company staff have helped habitants of Zyryanovsk reion of East-Kazakhstan oblast, who suffered from severe flood. For sum transferred by Emba people to Chanrity Fund “Our town – Zyryanovsk” 4 flats and 3 houses were bought for the habitants of Maleevsk, Zubovsk villages and Zyryanovsk town whose houses were not good for restoration.  

This year, as well as in last years, the lists of people in need of accomodation and information on acquired accomodation were provided to regional major office. During the ceremony, keys awards for accomodations, each family was also given a monthly stock of food on behalf of EMG staff.

  • In Kurmangazinski region – for money of Emba people a house was bought in the regional centre of Kurmagazy for the multi-child family V. KIM. Family has 6 children. 
  • In Issatay region – house in Issatay village for multi-child family B. SULEIMENOVA (10 childnre) and house in Akkistau village for multi-child family A. ORAZAJOVA (5 children).
  • In Zhylyoi region – flat in regional centre in Kulsary twon for multi-child family G. KARAMOLDIYEVA (5 children).
  • In Makat region – 2 flat for multi-child families G. ABDENOVA (7 children) in Makat village and one more family in Dossor village. 
  • In Kyzylkoginski region – 2 houses Y.YESSENBAY, habitant of the region with disabilities, raising 2 children on his own at Zamansor station, and lonely mother with 2 children A.BAKISHEVA in Mukur station.                                                                                                                                                  

Since its foundation in 1922 and up until now, the “Embamunaygas” JSC is the municipal and socially oriented enterprise. These principles are reflected in the Company’s mission in accordance with which the enterprise performs its activity in order to provide its employees with the stability and efficiency for shareholder by means balancing social and business interests. Company’s main value is the preservation of lives and health of employees, which in 2018 achieved zero indicatorts in lethal cases and incidents. From 2012 to 2018, EMG have paid to budget over 897.1BB KZT including 199.2BB KZT in 2018. For this period, over 4.3 BB KZT were allocated for the development of social infrastructure including 1.9BB KZT in 2018.