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Head of NC KMG in Atyrau

On the 23-24 of December, the Chairman of the Board of “National Company “KazMunayGas” JSC (further – NC KMG), A.S. Aidarbekov, has visited “Embamunaygas” JSC. Head of national company was accompanied by the Deputy Chairman of NC KMG on exploration, production and oil services, K.O. Iskaziyev, managing director on procurement and logistics of NC KMG, Y.K. Kairzhan, and NC KMG managing director on HR, D.K. Khassanov.

During the visit on the 24 of December, A. Aidarbayev held a meeting in the main office of “Embamunaygas” JSC (futher EMG or Company) with the management of large oil and gas operators, and also affiliations and dependent companies to NC KMG (further ADC).

- Projects executed in Atyrau oblast have huge meaning for the national company. These are Tengiz and Kashagan projects where we have bases of our affiliated companies – “Embamunaygas” JSC, branches of “KazTransOil” JSC and “KazTransGas” JSC, one of our three oil refinery plants – ANPZ. Execution of gas chemical complex construction project has started with direct involvement of NC KMG specialists. Therefore, there are a number of perspectives are linked with this region on development of oil and gas sector of economics of our country, - noted in his welcome speech, Alik Serikovich.

During the meeting, Head of KMG assessed the situation in oil and gas sector, briefly highlighted the activity and actual issues in a number of companies – participants of the meeting. “Tengizchevroil” LLP General Director, I. Bonner, NCOC HSE Director Y. Marabayev, ANPZ General Director, G. Amanturlin, Acting Chairman of “KPI”, K. Urazbayev and ANU “KazTransGas” JSC Manager, S. Raziyev, have also shared the information on mentioned issues.

Earlier, on the 23 of December, Head of NC KMG visited operational facilities of Prorva group of fields. During the visit, A. Aidarbayev has familiarized with the activity of existing Gas processing station of Prorva group of fields, and central oil processing unit “Prorva” in operational structural division of EMG – OGPC “Zhylyoimunaygas”. In the evening of the same day, the meeting was held between Head of NC KMG and Akim of Atyrau oblast, N. NOgayev and veterans of EMG and Atyrau oblast.

- Despite that the Company develops old fields, enterprise fulfills stable oil production plans, and with help of active geological activities, successfully restores the reserves. In this direction there are perspectives for further development. I also note a huge and friendly stuff in the Company. As for gas station, during the visit, I was convinced that the facility is constructed and is functioning except sulfur extraction unit which will be commissioned in the nearest future, - gave his assessment NC KMG head to EMG.

Let’s remind that start-up works at gas station designed for disposal of associated petroleum gas of Prorva group of fields have started in June 2017. During start-up activities, there was a staged commissioning of all main block of gas station, except sulfur extraction unit (LO-CAT). Start-up activities period of this unit was increased due to untimely fulfillment of obligations by General Contractor. These activities are still ongoing.

In order to decrease loading on environment, Company has performed a number of activities since November 2017 on shut-in of wells with high H2S content at S. Nurzhanov thus decreasing H2S content by more than 2,5 times. Same time, Ecological department of Atyrau oblast has issued a number of decrees and prescriptions on administrative fines and compensation of ecological harm, based on incorrect calculations based on project but not actual data. Due to illegal requirements set by Ecological department, a work is being performed on their appeal.

Contacts for media:

Aigul ERTLEUOVA, tel: 8 (7122) 99-32-09

Reference information:

“Embamunaygas” JSC – affiliated company of the “E&P “KazMunayGas” JSC. Officially, the foundation of “Embamunaygas” JSC start from 1922 -  since the foundation of “Embaneft” trust to develop Dossor and Makat fields. Main activity of the company: geological exploration, development of oil and gas fields, oil and gas production, oil and gas processing. “Embamunaygas” JSC consists of 6 operational structural units in Atyrau and 4 regional units in Atyrau oblast: “Zhaikmunaygas”, “Dossormunaygas”, “Kainarmunaygas”, “Zhylyoimunaygas”, “Embamunayenergo” company and “Equipment technical maintenance and warehouse management”. Company supplies produced oil for export and to internal market. In the internal market, oil is supplied to oil processing plants in Kazakhstan. Export of oil is conducted via two main routes: along Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) and Uzen-Atyrau-Samara (UAS) pipelines. Sales gas sale is performed through the RoK national operator in the sphere of gas and gas supplies – “KazTransGas” JSC. From October 1, 2012 to 11 months of 2018, “Embamunaygas” JSC have paid to republican and local budgets around 873 billion of tenge, for the development of regional infrastructure 4,3 billion of tenge were allocated. “Embamunaygas” JSC performs its activity in accordance with the international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 50001.