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The oilmen of Emba celebrated the Independence Day

АО «EmbaMunayGas» (hereafter EMG or Company) had several actions devoted to the 27th anniversary of getting the Independency of RoK. On December the 13th, the main office building of EMG has had the solemn meeting with participation of Leaders, employees of Management and Trade Union of the Company.

-  27 years ago sharply the Head of the Country Nursultan Nazarbayev signed the Constitutional Law «On state independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan», signalizing the staring of new epoch in the history of Kazakh people. The changes concerning the politic, cultural life and social infrastructure of the country from the moment of getting the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan are noted. We proudly notified that the economical achievement of the country is a great merit of Kazakhstani oilmen and Emba citizens in particular. For time being, there are over 5 thousand people working in the Company, the dominant part of which is the residents of Atyrau oblast. All our employees are provided with competitive salaries and significant social package. The Company does a large job in field of exploration, projects implementation in industry digitizing, optimization of business processes, updating of social infrastructure and etc. So, the modern Emba takes care on wellbeing of its large and cohesive team and makes further distribution for further endeavors of the Country!, - notified Anuar ZHAKSYBEKOV, the Chairperson of EMG Board in his speech. 

On the eve of Independence Day, by Order of the President of RoK, the employee of the Company Kasen UNAYBAYEV, the Operator of Oil and Gas Production of 5th grade, of Oil and Gas production shop # 1 “Botakhan” at NGDU “Dossormunaygas” is awarded for merits in state and public activities, significant distribution in social-and-economic development of the country, friendship and coordination between nations by Medal «Enbek Dankhy» IIIrd degree. The memorable rewards and Certificate of Merits are given to group of EMG employees – Head of department «Embamunayenergo» Zhanibekbay TULEGENOV (Certificate of Merit of «Samruk-Kazyna»), Head of group of Seismic Surveys at Exploration department Sagida JUMAGALIYEVA (medal of KAZENERGY association), Head of NGDU “Dossormunaygas”  Serik ABDIYEV and Director Deputy of Oil and Gas Sales department Yelena MAVRESHKO (memorable sign of «National Company «KazMunayGas» (hereinafter NC ‘KMG), Managing Director on Commercial Issues Yedyge CHAKLIKOV and Deputy Director of HR and Payment department Altynay BEREGENOVA (Certificate of Merit of NC KMG), Managing Director on Operations Abat KUTZHANOV, Director of Treasure department Kanat KOSANOV, the specialist of PR department Aigul Yertleuva,  Office-Manager of Management department Svetlana DAVLETALIYEVA (certificate of Merit of EMG).

Kenzhegali SHANKANOV, the Chairperson of Trade Union of EMG took a speech to the team, giving the letters of gratitude for the merits of independent country and oil-and-gas field to Yesenkul OSPANOV, Chief Accountant of the Company and Amantay DUSEGALIYEV, Senior Specialist of Social Politics and House keping department.

The participant, Gulmira Maylybayeva, Chief Engineer on design works and preparation of estimates at Capital Construction department delivered a speech during a solemn meeting with the stories of Y1986 in Almaty city. Azamat Kulzhiyev, Head of Finance Reporting of Central Accounting Preparation department expressed his wishes on behalf of youth to the team of the Company.

The meeting continued with a holiday concert with participation of the Oblast Philharmonic after N. Zhanturina and Center of Folk Art. The solemn meeting for the Independence Day during December the 12th through 21st will be carried out in all industrial structural departments of EMG.                                                    

Public relations department

Contacts for media:

Aigul ERTLEUOVA, tel: 8 (7122) 99-32-09

Reference information:

“Embamunaygas” JSC – affiliated company of the “E&P “KazMunayGas” JSC. Officially, the foundation of “Embamunaygas” JSC start from 1922 -  since the foundation of “Embaneft” trust to develop Dossor and Makat fields. Main activity of the company: geological exploration, development of oil and gas fields, oil and gas production, oil and gas processing. “Embamunaygas” JSC consists of 6 operational structural units in Atyrau and 4 regional units in Atyrau oblast: “Zhaikmunaygas”, “Dossormunaygas”, “Kainarmunaygas”, “Zhylyoimunaygas”, “Embamunayenergo” company and “Equipment technical maintenance and warehouse management”. Company supplies produced oil for export and to internal market. In the internal market, oil is supplied to oil processing plants in Kazakhstan. Export of oil is conducted via two main routes: along Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) and Uzen-Atyrau-Samara (UAS) pipelines. Sales gas sale is performed through the RoK national operator in the sphere of gas and gas supplies – “KazTransGas” JSC. For the last five years, “Embamunaygas” JSC have paid to republican and local budgets around 833 billion of tenge, for the development of regional infrastructure 4,3 billion of tenge were allocated. “Embamunaygas” JSC performs its activity in accordance with the international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 50001.