Emba employees have participated in the offsite personal development training
On the 13-15.08.2018, a training on personal and business development skills has been held in Almaty organized by the union of female employees of the “Embamunaygas” JSC (further EMG or Company) - «Munayshi kyz». The offsite training was attended by the representatives of organization committee, managers and active members of female clubs of each of 6 operational units of the Company.
- By organizing trainings for Emba employees, Company demonstrates high interest in increasing business and personal potential of female employees, - noted in welcome speech, the BoD deputy chairman on economics and finances, Rysty TASMAGAMBETOVA.
Offsite training has been performed by certified RoK trainer of the International company “Franklin Covey”, Ainur BOTAKHANOVA. Training program was developed based on the book “Seven skills of highly efficient people” of Kovi, a well-known American consultant on business and psychology.
During three days training, Emba employees has listened to theoretical course on personal and business development and performed a number of practical exercises aimed at self-development and enhancement of internal communications in the Company.
Public relations department
Contacts for media:
Karasay TULEGENOV K.Tulegenov@emg.kmgep.kz tel: 8 (7122) 99-34-80 (Russian language).
Aigul ERTLEUOVA A.Ertleuova@emg.kmgep.kz tel: 8 (7122) 99-32-09 (Kazakh language);
Reference information:
“Embamunaygas” JSC – affiliated company of the “E&P “KazMunayGas” JSC. Officially, the foundation of “Embamunaygas” JSC start from 1922 - since the foundation of “Embaneft” trust to develop Dossor and Makat fields. Main activity of the company: geological exploration, development of oil and gas fields, oil and gas production, oil and gas processing. “Embamunaygas” JSC consists of 6 operational structural units in Atyrau and 4 regional units in Atyrau oblast: “Zhaikmunaygas”, “Dossormunaygas”, “Kainarmunaygas”, “Zhylyoimunaygas”, “Embamunayenergo” company and “Equipment technical maintenance and warehouse management”. Company supplies produced oil for export and to internal market. In the internal market, oil is supplied to oil processing plants in Kazakhstan. Export of oil is conducted via two main routes: along Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) and Uzen-Atyrau-Samara (UAS) pipelines. Sales gas sale is performed through the RoK national operator in the sphere of gas and gas supplies – “KazTransGas” JSC. For the last five years, “Embamunaygas” JSC have paid to republican and local budgets around 696 billion of tenge, for sponsorship and charity – 2.3 billions of tenge, for the development of regional infrastructure 2.8 billion of tenge were allocated. “Embamunaygas” JSC performs its activity in accordance with the international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 50001.