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A women's club "Munayshy Kyz" in "Embamunaygas" JSC (hereinafter EMG or company) is created


On the eve of the International Women's holiday in EMG the Women's Club "Munayshy Kyz" was created. On March 6, 2018 in the Assembly Hall of EMG within the framework of the club's work plan, the Conference "Men – Aielmin  Alemnіn Anasymyn! " (I am a woman, Mother of the World), was held for the first time and brought about one hundred excellent representatives of labour collectives of production structural divisions and the central apparatus of the company. 

The meeting was welcomed by the Chairman of the board of EMG Anuar Erkinovich Zhaksybekov, and he stressed that the company realizes the importance of the role of modern woman in production and that's why creates a women's club.

-You are our greatest wealth. Your hands are constantly creating all the benefits and performance of production, for which we work. Thank you for your tireless work, selfless devotion to the profession,-noted A. Zhaksybekov. Wishing success in the work he expressed confidence that the club will promote the development of women's potential in production activities and involvement in the public life of the company.

The report on the theme "The role of women in society" was made by the Deputy Chairman of the Board for Economics and Finance Rysty Nurgalievna Tasmagambetova. She highlighted that the role of a modern woman every year gets particular importance and that they take active positions. More than a thousand women work on crafts of more than five thousand workers, expressing themselves in the traditional male professions. Over the years, all of them have demonstrated themselves as highly qualified and competent specialists. The main goal of the women's Club and the conference is to identify the creation of a single platform for communication and self-expression of women in the company.

A festive concert was organized for the participants of the Conference.

Public Relations Service.

Press Contacts:

Karasay Tulegenov Tel: 8 (7122) 99-34-80 (in Russian language).

Aigul Ertleuova Tel: 8 (7122) 99-32-09 (in Kazakh language);


"Embamunaigas" JSC  is a subsidiary of "Exploration production" KazMunayGas "JSC. The official countdown of the history of  "Embamunaigas" JSC is carried out since 1922, from the moment of creation of the trust "Embaneft" for development of deposits Dossor and Makat. The main directions of the company's activity: exploration, development of oil and gas fields; oil and gas production; preparation of oil and gas. The structure of  "Embamunaigas" JSC includes 6 production divisions in Atyrau and 4 districts in Atyrau oblast: "Zhaiykmunaigaz", "Dossormunaigaz", "Kaynarmunaigaz", "Zhylyoymunaigaz", "Embamunaienergo" management and "Management of production-technical service and Completion of equipment" (MPTS and CE). The company supplies extracted oil for export and domestic market. On the domestic market oil is supplied to refineries of RK. Oil is delivered on two main routes for export: by the pipelines of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) and Uzen-Atyrau-Samara (UAS). Sale of commercial gas is carried out through the national operator of the RK in the field of gas and supply- "Kaztransgas" JSC. For the last four years, "Embamunaigas" JSC  in the form of taxes to the Republican and local budgets the company has listed more than 625 bln. tenge, which  of about 81 bln. -in 2016 "Embamunaigas" JSC carries out its activity in accordance with international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 50001.