Youth Policy
Youth Policy of “Embamunaygas” JSC (further – EMG or Company) is aimed at creation of conditions and opportunities for successful and effective implementation and development of art activity, professional and intellectual potential of young specialists.
Based on data from July 2019, there are about 750 young employees below 33 years age work in the Company.
Since 2013, a Young Specialists Counsel (further – YSC) successfully functions in the Company which was formed for successful adaption of young specialists, for promoting commitment to corporate culture and corporate values.
For personal and professional growth of young specialists, a number of various events are held: on job training in other oil production companies; corporate involvement of young specialists through participation in internal events – corporate and scientific contests, forums, patriotic meetings, sport events, Day of young specialist, charities, etc.
The members of youth associations take an active part in operational and social life of the Company.
In 2015-2016, Company employees, including young specialists, organized a collection of funds and transferred one day salary to support the citizens of Atyrau and villages whose houses were in emergency condition after floods and rains. For the funds collected by Emba people, a capital repairs were organized in 4 houses in 2015, where lived families with children with disabilities, and a new house is built for a lonely pensioner. In 2016 – a new house was built for a citizen of Atyrau who had 4 children, two of them suffered from serious deceases.
By the results of 2017, EMG YSC was recognized as “Best youth committee of the year” during municipal contest “Human of the year”.
Emba young specialists, as well many other Company employees, have actively reacted to the appeal of state bodies to support the citizens of East-Kazakhstan oblast suffered from floods and rains. EMG Staff allocated one day salary to purchase houses for suffered citizens. Due to active cooperation with EMG YSC with youth resource center of East-Kazakhstan oblast, the funds collected by Emba people were spent on purchase of 4 flats and three houses for the citizens of Maleevsk, Zubovsk and Zyryanovsk villages, whose houses were sunk and not subject for restoration.
As part of implementation of state program “Rukhani Zhnagyru” and republican action “Ustuyr yeskertkishterine – el tagzymy”, young specialists of EMG operational units organized cleaning event to arrange the territory and restore historical and cultural facilities of Atyrau oblast.
Emba people give special care to children. Annually, Company organizes charity fairs and purchase gifts for children from needy families. In 2018, EMG young specialists have presented gifts to 50 little citizens who had health problems and had to study from home.
In 2019, at the eve of Nauryz holiday, as per the initiative of the Company Chairman, Anuar Yerkinovich Zhaksybekov, young employees have organized a charity help tp 10 needy families in Atyrau.
As part of development of patriotic attitude, YSC have organized a meeting of Company staff with soldiers veterans.
As part of events dedicated to Year of Youths and 120th anniversary of national oil, a contest for Emba young specialists and intellectual game “Brain ring” were organized.