"Embamunaigas" JSC is a modern Kazakhstan oil company engaged in geological exploration, development of oil and gas fields, production and preparation of oil and gas, adhering to the best business practices and high requirements for business ethics in its activities.
In order to promote honest and ethical business conduct, maintain a positive business reputation of the Company, comply with anti-corruption legislation, and effectively manage conflicts of interest, "Embamunaigas" JSC has adopted a number of fundamental documents that guide every employee of the company, regardless of their position and position.
The task of the Company's managers is to set a personal example to employees and demonstrate their commitment to the principles and values laid down in corporate documents by their own actions. You can report violations of the norms of business conduct and ethics or manifestations of corruption involving representatives of "Embamunaigas" JSC to the hotline.
The hotline is operated by an independent Operator, KPMG, on the following principles:
- confidentiality and anonymity (at the request of the applicant); and
- registration and processing of 100% of applications with subsequent provision to the responsible persons of the Company.
Appeals can be provided by all persons in Russian, Kazakh and English through the following communication channels:
- by phone number 8 800 080 4747. (The call is free on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan); or
- by e-mail mail@sk-hotline.kz; or
- through the internet portal www.sk-hotline .kz; or
- via WhatsApp Messenger by number +7 771 191 8816.
The hotline works around the clock seven days a week in the "24/7" mode. At the same time, phone calls are accepted by the Operator from 09.00 to 18.00 from Monday to Friday. The rest of the time (including holidays / weekends), telephone calls are sent to the answering machine with the ability to record calls. The processing of requests received outside working hours is carried out on the first working day after receiving the request.
The hotline is available both for the Company's employees and for third parties interacting with the Company (customers, contractors and other interested parties).
We thank you for your cooperation and assistance!