Personnel Policy
HR Functional Strategy
“Embamunaygas” JSC HR Policy (further EMG or Company) is executed in accordance with the Functional strategy of managing personnel and payroll (further – Strategy) which defines the system of principles, directions and mechanisms of personnel management to implement Company strategic goals. Main goal of the Strategy is the achievement of Company Vision by increasing the efficiency of personnel management and development as a strategic resource of EMG.
Strategy includes seven main areas:
- Personnel selection
- Work with youths
- Training and development of personnel
- Human reserve and career growth
- Payroll and labour norm
- Personnel headcount and expenditures management
- HR administration and work hours control
Early retirement
Company executes the Early retirement program (further – Program). Company employees when achieved the age regulated by the Program can terminate the labor agreement on their own will 3 years before retirement age (and those involved in harmful labor – 5 years) and receive bonuses in size of 48-50% of the salary multiplied by years of experience until reaching retirement age. With early retirement, employees maintains almost half of the wages until reaching retirement, has an opportunity to pay more attention to their families and own health, and also, at the discretion, can find another job and receive additional income.
Preparation of local specialists
Company spends significant funds into social projects in terms of preparation of local specialists for national oil and gas sector. As of 2015, Company implements the dual education and scholarship program. For the last four years 78 students of Atyrau oil and gas university, APEC Petrotechnic and Ufa State oil technical university have undergone on the job training in operationa units of EMG as part of dual education program. Together with Diplomas, they received labor book with records on labor activity. 40 graduates who obtained higher results during the tests are hired to the Company.
Activities on motivation of employe
A number of significant events are organized annually in or der to motivate Company employees: art contest “Uzdik mamn” – professional contest between operational employees, project "Day of young specialists” – to form corporate values and discovering the potential of young specialists; «HR-Forum» by the results of annual activity of HR department with participation of BoD Chairman; by the results of evaluation performed by department directors of management office a module program “Effective manager” is implemented, and for operational personnel – supervisors (shop foreman and supervisor) a module education is conducted on development of communication skills.
Headcount and personnel expenditures management
As part of Transformation program, accepted from “NC “KazMunayGas” JSC, Company performs activity on optimization of headcount and expenditures on personnel related to un-discipline type of activity with further transition of functions to outsourcing. Since the start of project implementation, 350 jobs were transferred to competitive labor. Also, more than 250 jobs were transferred to outsource of support personnel (light vehicles drivers, treatment units operators, gas station operators, etc.), and workers themselves were re-prepared and re-distributed by professions of main operation.