Gas Projects
In June 2017, the Company launched a major project - the Associated petroleum gas treatment Plant of the Prorvinsk group of fields with a capacity of 150 million m3 per year. The installation is designed for the utilization of associated petroleum gas from the Prorvinsk group of fields in the Zhylyoysky district of the Atyrau region. Currently, commercial gas from the Installation is supplied to the Central Asia – Center main gas pipeline, thereby significantly reducing the forced combustion of associated petroleum gas at the torches of the Prorvinsk group of fields. The sulfur production plant using LO-CAT technology from Merichem, used at the Integrated gas treatment Plant, is environmentally safe and provides high efficiency in converting hydrogen sulfide into harmless elemental sulfur.
The entire gas treatment process is fully automated and provides several degrees of protection against emergencies. Commercial gas, stable gas condensate – 4.1 thousand tons and granulated sulfur – 2.7 thousand tons will be produced annually at the Plant.
Since 2012-2013, similar installations for the preparation of associated petroleum gas have been successfully operating at the Company's fields – Vostochny Makat and S. Balgimbayev, supplying natural gas at a discounted price to the population of three districts of the Atyrau region.
In order to increase operational efficiency and economic profitability, within the framework of approved Business initiatives, the Company is currently implementing pilot projects for processing electricity production from associated petroleum gas (hereinafter - APG) at the fields of Uaz Severny Oil and Gas Production Management Kaynarmunaigas and Yu.Z.K., Gran Oil and Gas Production Management Zhaiykmunaigas. The projects involve the utilization of APG by generating electric energy at gas piston and gas turbine power plants with its further use for their own needs. The implementation of the project will ensure additional oil production, as well as increase the reliability of independent power supply to the Company's social and production facilities.
The Company does not stop at the achieved results and, in pursuance of the program of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to involve additional volumes of gas in the resource base of Kazakhstan, has begun to develop options and proposals for the development of onshore infrastructure for the gas deposits of another field - Zapadnaya Prorva. After commissioning of 16 wells of this field, the Company will be able to prepare an additional 600 million m3 of commercial gas.