The head office of JSC "Embamunaigas"
Address: The Republic of Kazakhstan, Atyrau city, Valikhanov street, 1, index: 060002
OmbudsmanPhone: +7 (7122) 76-19-00 |
Reception and registration of documents incoming and outgoing correspondence:Phone: +7 (7122) 99-31-13, 99-31-35, 99-32-93. Procurement and local content, potential suppliersPhone: +7 (7122) 99 34 42. All procurement of goods, works and services of the company are held under the Rules of procurement of goods, works and services of JSC "National welfare Fund "Samruk-Kazyna" in an electronic format on the website: https://zakup.sk.kz https://zakup.sk.kz |
For financial and tax reportingPhone: +7 (7122) 32-31-17 Requests from the media and the public:Phone: +7 (7122) 99-34-21, 99-34-66, 99-32-09 For sponsorship and charitable assistancePhone: +7 (7172) 99-32-78 |
Contacts production of structural subdivisions of the jsc “Embamunaigas”
Oil and gas management "DossorMunaiGas"Address: Atyrau region, Makat district, village Dossor, Phone: +7 (71239) 2-35-00 Oil and gas management "Zhylyoimunaigas"Address: Atyrau oblast, Zhylyoi district, Kulsary city, Duisenbekov street, 145, index: 060100 Phone: +7 (71237) 5-08-56 |
Oil and gas management "Zhayikmunaigas"Address: Atyrau region, Isatay district, village Akkystau, Abilkhairov street , 30, index: 060300 Тел: +7 (71231) 2-05-94 Oil and gas management "Kainarmunaigas"Address: Atyrau region, Kyzylkoga district, Тел: +7 (71238) 2-80-43 |
Management "Embamunaigas"Address: Atyrau region, Atyrau city, village Birlik, Industrial area, index: 060015 Тел: +7 (7122) 39-50-44 Management of production and technical maintenance and equipment configurationAddress: Atyrau region, Atyrau city, village Birlik, Industrial area, index: 060015 Тел: +7 (7122) 39-50-45 |
On the facts of corruption, fraud, unethical behavior, call the phone number of the “Hot line”
Phone: 8 800 080 30 30;
E-mail: nysana@cscc.kz;
Website: nysana.cscc.kz;
WhatsApp: +7 702 075 30 30